MORAES-VIEIRA P, Lee J, Castoldi A, Aryal P, Yee EU, Vickers C, Parnas O, Donaldson CJ, Saghatelian A, Kahn BB. Branched fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids (FAHFAs) protect against colitis by regulating the gut innate and adaptive immune systems. J Biol Chem. 2016.
Moraes-Vieira, Pedro Manoel M. ; SAGHATELIAN, ALAN ; KAHN, BARBARA B . Glut4 Expression in Adipocytes Regulates de Novo Lipogenesis and Levels of a Novel Class of Lipids with Anti-Diabetic and Anti-inflammatory Effects. Diabetes (New York, N.Y.), 2016.
MORAES-VIEIRA, PEDRO M; CASTOLDI, ANGELA ; ARYAL, PRATIK ; WELLENSTEIN, KERRY ; PERONI, ODILE D ; KAHN, BARBARA B . Antigen presentation and T cell activation are critical for RBP4-induced insulin resistance. Diabetes (New York, N.Y.), v. 1, p. db151696-11, 2016.
CASTOLDI, ANGELA ; NAFFAH DE SOUZA, CRISTIANE ; Câmara, Niels Olsen Saraiva ; MORAES-VIEIRA, PEDRO M. . The Macrophage Switch in Obesity Development. Frontiers in Immunology (Online), v. 6, p. 1-1, 2016.
Reis, B. S. ; Lee, K. ; Fanok, M. H. ; Mascaraque, C. ; Amoury, M. ; Cohn, L. B. ; Rogoz, A. ; Dallner, O. S. ; MORAES-VIEIRA, P. M. ; Domingos, A. I. ; Mucida, D. . Leptin Receptor Signaling in T Cells Is Required for Th17 Differentiation. The Journal of Immunology (1950), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015.
Toniolo, P. A. ; Liu, S. ; Yeh, J. E. ; MORAES-VIEIRA, P. M. ; Walker, S. R. ; Vafaizadeh, V. ; Barbuto, J. A. M. ; Frank, D. A. . Inhibiting STAT5 by the BET Bromodomain Inhibitor JQ1 Disrupts Human Dendritic Cell Maturation. The Journal of Immunology (1950), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015.
Andrade-Oliveira, V ; Câmara, N.O.S.; MORAES-VIEIRA, PEDRO M. . Adipokines as Drug Targets in Diabetes and Underlying Disturbances. J DIABETES RES, v. 2015, p. 1-11, 2015.
CASTOLDI, ANGELA ; FAVERO DE AGUIAR, CRISTHIANE ; MORAES-VIEIRA, PEDRO; OLSEN SARAIVA CÂMARA, NIELS . They Must Hold Tight: Junction Proteins, Microbiota And Immunity In Intestinal Mucosa. Current Protein and Peptide Science, v. 16, p. 655-671, 2015.
ZEMANY, L. ; BHANOT, S. ; PERONI, O. D. ; MURRAY, S. F. ; MORAES-VIEIRA, P. M. ; Castoldi, A. ; MANCHEM, P. ; GUO, S. ; MONIA, B. P. ; KAHN, B. B. . Transthyretin Antisense Oligonucleotides Lower Circulating RBP4 Levels and Improve Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Mice. Diabetes (New York, N.Y.), v. 64, p. 1603-1614, 2014.
MORAES-VIEIRA, PEDRO M.M.; LAROCCA, RAFAEL A. ; BASSI, ENIO J. ; PERON, JEAN PIERRE S. ; ANDRADE-OLIVEIRA, VINÍCIUS ; WASINSKI, FREDERICK ; ARAUJO, RONALDO ; THORNLEY, THOMAS ; QUINTANA, FRANCISCO J. ; BASSO, ALEXANDRE S. ; STROM, TERRY B. ; CÂMARA, NIELS O.S. . Leptin deficiency impairs maturation of dendritic cells and enhances induction of regulatory T and Th17 cells. European Journal of Immunology, v. 44, p. 794-806, 2014.
MORAES-VIEIRA, PEDRO M.; YORE, MARK M. ; DWYER, PETER M. ; SYED, ISMAIL ; ARYAL, PRATIK ; KAHN, BARBARA B. . RBP4 Activates Antigen-Presenting Cells, Leading to Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Systemic Insulin Resistance. Cell Metabolism, v. 19, p. 512-526, 2014.
YORE, MARK M. ; SYED, ISMAIL ; MORAES-VIEIRA, PEDRO M. ; ZHANG, TEJIA ; HERMAN, MARK A. ; HOMAN, EDWIN A. ; PATEL, RAJESH T. ; LEE, JENNIFER ; CHEN, SHILI ; PERONI, ODILE D. ; DHANESHWAR, ABHA S. ; HAMMARSTEDT, ANN ; SMITH, ULF ; MCGRAW, TIMOTHY E. ; SAGHATELIAN, ALAN ; KAHN, BARBARA B. . Discovery of a Class of Endogenous Mammalian Lipids with Anti-Diabetic and Anti-inflammatory Effects. Cell (Cambridge), v. 159, p. 318-332, 2014.
MORAES-VIEIRA, P. M. M.; Bassi, E. J. ; Larocca, R. A. ; Castoldi, A. ; Burghos, M. ; LEPIQUE, A. P. ; QUINTANA, F. J. ; Araujo, R. C. ; Basso, A. S. ; STROM, T. B. ; Câmara, N. O. S. . Leptin Modulates Allograft Survival by Favoring a Th2 and a Regulatory Immune Profile. American Journal of Transplantation (Print), v. 13, p. 36-44, 2013.
Bassi, E. J. ; MORAES-VIEIRA, P. M. M. ; Moreira Sa, C. S. R. ; ALMEIDA, D. C. ; VIEIRA, L. M. ; Cunha, C. S. ; HIYANE, M. I. ; Basso, A. S. ; Pacheco-SILVA, A. ; Camara, N. O. S. . Immune Regulatory Properties of Allogeneic Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Experimental Autoimmune Diabetes. Diabetes (New York, N.Y.), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2012.
MORAES-VIEIRA, Pedro Manoel M. ; Lemos, Francine ; Coelho, Verônica ; Agena, Fabiana ; Silva, Hernandez M. ; Takenaka, Maisa C.S. ; Saitovitch, David ; Monteiro, Sandra Maria ; Kalil, Jorge . GATA3 and a dominant regulatory gene expression profile discriminate operational tolerance in human transplantation. Clinical Immunology (Orlando, Fla. Print), v. 142, p. 117-126, 2012.
SILVA, H. M. ; Takenaka, Maisa C.S. ; MORAES-VIEIRA, P. M. M. ; Monteiro, Sandra Maria ; HERNANDEZ, M. O. ; Chaara W ; Six A ; Agena, Fabiana ; Barbé-Tuana FM ; Saitovitch, David ; Lemos, Francine ; KALIL, J. ; Coelho, Verônica . Preserving the B cell compartment favors operational tolerance in human renal transplantation.. Molecular Medicine (Cambridge, Mass. Print), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2012.
MORAES-VIEIRA, P. M. M.; Araujo, R. C. ; BASSI, Ê. J. ; Câmara, N. O. S. . Leptin as a link between the immune system and kidney-related diseases: leading actor or just a coadjuvant?. Obesity Reviews (Print), v. xx, p. no-no, 2012.
Bassi, Ênio José ; Almeida, Danilo Candido ; MORAES-VIEIRA, Pedro Manoel Mendes ; Câmara, Niels Olsen Saraiva . Exploring the Role of Soluble Factors Associated with Immune Regulatory Properties of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews, v. 01, p. 01-01, 2011.
Moraes-Vieira, Pedro Manoel M. ; Silva, Hernandez M. ; Takenaka, Maisa C.S. ; Monteiro, Sandra Maria ; Lemos, Francine ; Saitovitch, David ; Kalil, Jorge ; Coelho, Verônica . Differential monocyte STAT6 activation and CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells in kidney operational tolerance transplanted individuals. Human Immunology, v. 71, p. 442-450, 2010.
Moraes-Vieira, Pedro Manoel M. ; Silva, Hernandez M. ; Takenaka, Maisa C.S. ; Monteiro, Sandra Maria ; Lemos, Francine ; Saitovitch, David ; Kalil, Jorge ; Coelho, Verônica . Differential monocyte STAT6 activation and CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells in kidney operational tolerance transplanted individuals. Human Immunology, v. 71, p. 442-450, 2010.